nice title? lol it's the first day in many that i haven't had a jillion things to do and on top of that i have been feeling ill. no worries, i'm tough...most days. i have gall bladder surgery this coming week so i am hoping...with fingers crossed...that i will be feeling much better by next weekend. i must! i have so many pieces of furniture and decor items that stare at me as i pass them buy in the garage, back room,, living do you get my drift?! i have furniture E.V.E.R.Y.W.H.E.R.E! lol no, seriously, it is starting to fade away as we get things refurbished and up in the shop. i am very thankful with the positive responses we continue to get and look forward to finishing the next FUN piece.
i know i have mentioned tutorials and such but i still have that on hold as i get through this week but i wanted to show a fun set we just took to shop yesterday.
have a creative day! :)
this 70'ish three piece set was begging for a new finish since the stain/clear coat was almost non-existant when we bought it from an estate sale. paired it with some "oops" berh grey/blue paint and smokey glaze, this set has taken on a new life and waiting for a new! :)
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